Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ship sailing through the streets

There is a very cool piece of puppet preformed with a ship on the streets.

Via Alexander Winfield: puptcrit Digest, Vol 54, Issue 25

1 comment:

  1. I met these guys about a month ago, at their micro festival of in-progress puppet works, in Trois-Riviere, a city in the province of Quebec, Canada.

    Their puppets are fantastic, and move very very well.
    I even tried a few of them, talking shop with their creator, South Miller.

    As a fellow puppetguy who knew some of them, I even got to visit and party at their studio after the event.

    It was quite the experience.

    While we were dancing, we were joined by a giant fish puppet. it went wild with the electronic live music performance!

    Don't miss a chance to see these performers live!
