Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ship sailing through the streets

There is a very cool piece of puppet preformed with a ship on the streets.

Via Alexander Winfield: puptcrit Digest, Vol 54, Issue 25

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Flexitoon has a new puppet short out

A SPLASH OF THE HAMPTOONS is now up on the Flexitoon Blog, check it out here.I really like Flexitoon because they use different types of puppets in one production. Hand puppets, Marionettes and rod puppets. Very talented puppeteers and builders.

They are also responsible for one my favorite TV commercials the Tide Talking Stain.

It was voted the Funniest Office Commercial in the World on TBS World's Funniest Office Commercials. To see more of their commercial work go here.


Friday, April 17, 2009

We're on etsy!

We are very excited to announce that we're on etsy and have our first puppets for sale.

Look for more puppets to be added in the coming weeks.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Welcome Rick to the blog

My brother Rick has joined the blog. Rick also has an interest in building puppets. He is the builder, voice and personality behind Ned.

So everyone Welcome Rick and watch for some posts from him coming soon.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

New Potter Puppet Pals

Neil Cicierega has posted a new Episode of the Potter Puppet Pals, Ron's Disease, over at

Be sure to check out Neil's many other works here.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

There's a new blog in town.

Check out the NEW Puppets Magic Blog from the UK!

They have a nice hand carved Punch & Judy policeman puppet head out of pine wood. I am going to enjoy following this site.

Be sure to bookmark it.

Monday, April 06, 2009

I want to make one of these puppets

My brother sent me a link to his youtube video. It was found on psiagarik's Channel.

My favorite part is the bit about the man's feet, the character seems so alive. I want to learn how to bring a puppet like this to life. From design to performance.

I have a few resources for the construction of this type of puppet but, if anyone out there has any good links to information on the construction of table top puppets, please leave a comment. I'll post it here on Puppet Builder.