Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My marionettes like to hang around...
In style...

I wanted to show off my Marionette Hanger. My Brother made it for me. It 24 inches across and holds 5 Marionettes.

Notice that the Marionettes are staggered. The end and center posts stick out about 5 inches. The 2nd and 4th posts are about 8 inches.

It's made from 14 gauge steel. Cut with a plasma cutter. The posts are welded on. And it has a hammered copper finish. Plus rubber glued to the back to protect the wall.

The staggered posts give a crowd look to the marionettes. You can visit my brother and sister-inlaw's web site at www.wakingbearstudio.com.


  1. That is really nice.

    What a great gift.

  2. It is very nice. I asked him to make it for me, giving him the general design idea. Then he did all the work. I hoping to get a single holder designed and made.
