Here are the puppet builders and puppeteers that I know of that are taking advantage of this "Live" form of media to entertain and educate us.
Daryl has done quite a few "Live" Streamcasts, demonstrating different techniques of puppet building. You can find Daryl hanging out at the Puppet and Stuff forums. He is a very talented and creative builder. One time I tuned in to watch Daryl, Naomi Guss of Puppets in Melbourne was also Streamcasting in a window with Daryl. That's what makes this media so cool, Daryl is from British Columbia, Canada and Naomi is from Melbourne, Australia. But they can work together to teach and entertain us. Daryl has also done this with Shawn from Puppets and Stuff, who is in Missouri, USA.
Stacey creates finger puppets and hand puppets. Along with streamcasting the creating of her puppets, she also does Puppet Inprov. Stacey is very creative and creates some unique, unusual and fun puppets. You can follow Stacey on twitter(@staceyrebecca).
Shawn of Puppets and Stuff forums also has done some "Live" puppet building. Shawn walks us through the process of building a marionette, starting with the head. Shawn is streamcasting with Daryl of SiqPuppet Productions, see links above for Daryl's BlogTV Site.
Hoggworks Studios USTREAM Site
Brian Hogg of Hoggworks Studio is also giving "live" streamcasting a go using USTREAM. Brian is currently in the process of creating Battlestar Galactica puppets. Brian is the creator of Dotboom, an excellent web series about web developers who hate themselves. If you haven't seen it, do it now. Brian is also trying his hand at "Live" Puppetry, with his Ask Palpatine character.
This media of streaming from anywhere at anytime is exciting. It opens the doors to so many who before would not have or could not have shared their talents and creativity with such a large audience. I only wonder how we will keep all these new and exciting streamcasts straight and organized.
If I have missed anyone who is streaming "Live" Puppet Building or Puppet Shows, please let me know so I can add them.