Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Ping Pong anyone?

Here's a Construction Diary from

For Construction Diary click here There's a lot of pages to explore on this site. Very cool photos, information and techniques. Happy surfing.

Friday, June 23, 2006

I'd like to thank the judges...

Sock Search - The Glorified Sock Puppet Contest - Top 10 Finalists Click here
The top 10 finalists are finally in!! My entry Snoop Otter Otter made the top 10!!!!

Snoop Otter Otter Click here for more photosNo matter if I win or lose, I'd like to thank the judges for including Snoop in the top 10. To me that honor itself means I won. Snoop is the third puppet that I've built. I have 8 more started. I am so hooked on puppet building... This would be a good place to thank my wife for putting up with me. :) Thanks Cyn!

Good luck everyone! May the best puppet win!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Road Trip... Anyone calling shotgun??

The Bunraku Bay Puppet Troupe - Bringing the Beauty and Drama of Traditional Japanese Bunraku Puppetry to the United States.

The Bunraku Bay Puppet TroupeCheck out the link for Summer 2006 Program. Anyone up for a road trip? To Japan? Wish I could afford this.

2006 Summer program in Japan

Sunday, June 18, 2006

One mans trash is another mans puppet...

Here is an interesting puppet company called Lunatique Fantastique. All of their puppets are made from trash or discarded items of one form or another.

Visit Lunatique Fantastique
Be sure to check out their media section for some great videos. My faviorite is The Wrapping Paper Caper.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

He's dead jim...

We morn the death of Boo Boo the Chicken... - June 2006Sorry, this is kind of goofy but it made me laugh.

Friday, June 16, 2006


Visit This is the site of a young polish artist that makes beautiful marionettes.

faces Wish I could afford to buy one. She creates portrait marionettes that are stunning. Be sure to explore all of her site. She is very talented.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Bunraku... Huh?

I've been searching for information on the Bunraku style of puppetry and I have found a good website that I wanted to share.

The Puppet Theater of Japan: An Introduction to Bunraku
The Puppet Theater of Japan: An Introduction to Bunraku

Friday, June 02, 2006

Stringing it up...

Here is a cool Flash animation on how to string a marionette.

Click Here

By Eric Hagstrom